Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What if You Knew You Couldn't Fail?

I'm putting out information on the web about my Veteran's Day 50% off sale on coaching and I was just writing this headline: What if you knew you couldn't fail? and it dawns on me... How powerful is that!

Think about it. What if you knew that no matter what you chose or did, you couldn't fail? What if you knew that life was about results and lessons and not about failure, that everything that happens happens for a reason and comes to teach you something, that in every obstacle there's an opportunity and in every moment that feels like tragedy, there's triumph? What if you knew that the disappointment you're feeling today is preparing you for something so awesome tomorrow that you couldn't possibly even imagine it in this moment? What if you knew that your gut was right, that your intution is always on key? What choices would you have made differently? What actions would you be taking right now?

And the simple truth is this: you can't fail. Every choice makes you better, stronger, wiser, clearer on what you want. Why not choose you? Why not live your life on your own terms when failure isn't part of your vocabulary?

I was watching Extreme Home Makeover on Sunday and there was this man who was born in Egypt, premature, cerebral palsy, thrown in a garbage can as a newborn, and now owns his own coffee shop when they said that he'd never walk, get married, or have children. And you know what he said? "Can't is not in my vocabulary."

Think about that... Is can't in your vocabulary? It shouldn't be.

What if you knew you couldn't fail? Can you even imagine what amazing things you'd be choosing to do right now?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

STAYING THE COURSE Is Your Key to Success

Staying the Course teaches you how to create AND keep the momentum, persistence, and vision necessary to succeed at ANYTHING.

Lots of people have talent.
Lots of people have resources.

How do you explain the fact that so many people fail to achieve their highest levels of success? How do you make sure that you're never in that group?


Order your copy today!

Price: $89.99

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Single Most Important Business Lesson Any Entrepreneur Could Ever Learn

Success is not a secret. It's not elusive. It's not simply for the chosen few. Success comes when prompted and there is one lesson that ALL successful entrepreneurs learn: persistence. Persistence is not complacency. It's not sticking with something no matter what. It's having a chief aim in life, a greater vision, and being solely committed to creating that vision by any and all means possible. It means you find better and better ways of getting to your dream. You focus on growth and development, trusting that your success is inevitable. It's called persistence.

But how do you get AND keep persistence in a world that's telling you the economy is in the dumps, Wall Street is the key symbol of a current recession, jobs are gone, security is gone, and there's no way to make a living AND a life?

You purchase STAYING THE COURSE and get the invaluable tools, strategies, and insights necessary to stay focused on achieving your success.

Don't miss out! Order your copy today!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Opinions are Presents You Don't Have to Accept

When someone offers their advice (especially when not asked for it) about what you should do with the rest of your life, how do you respond?

When you tell someone your dream and they say, "I don't know if that's possible", what is your initial reaction?

When you pour yourheart out to someone about something that's not working in your life and they respond with "You've been doing it all wrong. Here's what you should do", do you listen or do you defend?

These are all important questions. Opinions have existed since the beginning of time and they will continue to exist. When we get mad at others for giving us their "opinions", we are subconsciously validating their expertise by saying, "What you think of me is more important than what I think of myself."

How do you deal with other people's opinions? How do you listen to what they have to say without allowing their opinions to rule your life?

Here's the answer:
Recognize that opinions are presents you don't have to accept.

You can listen to someone without taking their advice. You can allow someone else to speak to you out of their own authenticity without believing that they said those things to you to hurt you. You can bridge the gap between your dream and your belief about its ability to come true by having a clear sense of what you say, when you say it, and who you tell it to, depending on what stage your dream is in.

Staying the Course is a powerful coaching program that shows you how to effectively handle other people's opinions without getting defensive, hurt, or withdrawn. Order this amazing program today!

Monday, September 1, 2008

What Does it Mean to "STAY THE COURSE"?

On this beautiful Labor Day, I received a very ignorant email from someone inquiring about my program. Here's the email:

"So you are the reason we are still Iraq, and Bush is running around saying "stay the course", "stay the course", whether its working or not is irrelavant, right? I been wondering where Bush got his mantra """STAY THE COURSE""", NOW I KNOW....."

I'm not going to respond to the ignorance of this email because it's clearly ignorant. But what I am going to respond to is the beauty of what it means to STAY THE COURSE.

What does staying the course mean anyway?

I'm not going to sugarcoat this so if you don't have a solid stomach, stop reading now. I'm going to give it to you straight. Here goes.

In today's world, there are too many quitters. We live in a society of entirely too many people who say, "Gimme now or I'm moving on to something else." Immediate gratification seems like the mode of many people's thinking and I created STAYING THE COURSE for all of those OTHER people who know that what they've got (the passion, the purpose, the goals, the dreams, the vision) is TOO BIG for them to give up now. They know that there's something in them that has to come out. They have a dream that has to be fulfilled... OR They've done the quitting thing enough times already to know that IT JUST DOESN'T WORK!

Winners never quit and quitters never win and here's the deal about staying the course: WHEN YOU TRULY KNOW THAT WHAT YOU'RE DOING IS YOUR LIFE'S WORK, when you truly know that what's been put in you has to come out, you also know that it's something that's going to benefit you and, more importantly, benefit the world. You don't have to worry about causing wars or creating failure or destroying lives because when you pursue what you were put here to pursue, the only thing it can do is create a better world...

The issue is this: it all begins and ends with you. If you don't live your purpose, someone else won't live theirs. If you stay stuck and mired down in what you "can't, won't, shouldn't, couldn't, or wouldn't" do, you will be the example for countless others to follow, including your own children. And I say this because STAYING THE COURSE was created to support you so you can become the person you need to be so those after you can become the people they need to be too.

You are not an island. Neither am I. We all need people to support, love, and nurture our dreams and, sometimes (I know this might come as a shock), those closest to you are not the ones to support your dreams. Sometimes, out of their love and concern for you, they'll be the exact people to oppose and criticize your dream and my program, STAYING THE COURSE, is designed to show you how to persevere through that AND LOVE THEM ANYWAY.

I have seen marriages, relationships, and family ties break up ALL BECAUSE ONE PERSON WAS FOLLOWING THEIR DREAM and I strongly believe that that does not have to be the case. We can live in a world where people live up to their callings, live life on purpose and still live in peace with people who can't see what you see. Understand this: you can't share your vision with people who can't see and you can't blame them for not seeing it because they don't yet have the vision to.

And that's what this program is about. Where that anonymous person got Bush and politics and starting a war from, I don't know. I'll call them ignorant because they know nothing about my program. If they read this and still feel that way, well, then it starts to go into another category that begins with an S and I won't even name it.

All I have to say is this: when you know that you know that you know, and my wonderful comrade in spreading this message, The Barefoot Executive (http://www.twitter.com/barefoot_exec), says, "When you know your WHY", there is only one choice: STAY THE COURSE.

Winners never quit and quitters never win.

Which one are you choosing to be?

Kassandra Vaughn, the ROI Coach

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Staying the Course Keeps You Inspired!

Staying the Course keeps you inspired by being that 24/7 coaching program that REMINDS YOU WHO YOU ARE, that your dream is possible and that all that you need to live the dream is already WITHIN YOU. Trust me. Napolean Hill was talking this stuff in the 1930s.

"ALL THOUGHTS WHICH HAVE BEEN EMOTIONALIZED (given feeling) AND MIXED WITH FAITH begin immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent or counterpart." - Napolean Hill

The problem with that statement? If you're coming from fear and uncertainty, you'll keep translating that in the physical (i.e. not living my dream). If you're coming from faith and trust, you'll translate that too (living my dream).

So how you do keep the faith and believe and stay in passion and on purpose, even when faced with immense odds? STAYING THE COURSE.

Order your copy today!

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Most Popular Webinar Has Now Become a Standalone Program!

Staying the Course is one of my most popular webinars. I'm now introducing the standalone program package. Now you can have all the great info on how to stay positive, focused and achieving your dreams, even if those closest to you don't support it, in digital form!

For $89.99, you the get the workbook, manual, and MP3 Series "Your Approval is Not Required But My Approval Is." It's power and action packed and it's all yours for the phenomenal price of $89.99.

Don't miss out! Order this amazing motivational series today!

In this phenomenal coaching package, you'll learn:
* why failure is not an option
* proven strategies for overcoming objections from those closest to you, especially spouses/partners/parents
* how, where, when, and what of communicating your dream to others
* coping with rejection
* the 7 lessons of success when operating in an unsupportive home environment
* the difference between vision and sight
* living your dream without compromising your relationships
* why you should want approval but NOT NEED it

And much, much more...

This powerful coaching program comes with the following:
* Staying The Course Manual (the roadmap for following your dreams)
* Staying the Course Workbook
* Power Up Inspiration and Support For Your Dreams (MP3 Series)
* Your Approval is Not Required But My Approval Is (MP3 Series)
* Holding on When You Want to Give Up (MP3 Series)
* The 10 Excuses You Use to Give Your Power Away & How to Take Your Power Back (MP3 Series)

To ORDER, click on the Pay Pal button to the top left.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Why Do We Stop When We Know We Should Go?

Have you ever been in a moment in your life when you knew exactly what you should be doing, what goal you should be pursuing, and didn't because of fear? Have you found yourself in a place where you had a key life choice to make and felt uncertain but knew that if you just took the leap, everything was going to work out... and you didn't? Do you ever look back at that vibrant, amazing time and think, "Why didn't I just take the leap? It was perfect. Why didn't I just do it?"

All of us experience that moment and, for many, we experience it time and time again. There are people, places, jobs and relationships we stayed in for much too long, ambitions we never pursued because we put more stock in the opinions of others, and opportunities we let slip because we just didn't trust our own inner knowing. Have you held onto fears and false beliefs and gotten to the edge of the cliff only to look way down in the abyss, get scared, and turn back?

How is today any different from that moment? Today is a new opportunity to take the leap. Today is your time to say, "I can do this! Whatever my dream, whatever my goal, if the passion's in me, there's a way to make this work!" Today is all you have and, within today, you have everything you need to take the leap. The question is: will you?

STAYING THE COURSE is a powerful webinar because it's all about providing you with the motivational, strategic, and communication tools you need to make that leap. It's about helping you understand how to deal with people, places, and things that may be with you but may not be on board with your dream. This course is designed to teach you how to let go of others opinions of you while also letting go of your expectations of the people closest to you in your life.

Keep in mind: your family and those friends closest to you love you but if they can't see your vision, it is extremely hard for them to support you in achieving your dream. You have to be the dreamweaver and the dream holder and you also have to be the dream protector so that those who can't see where you're going are not allowed into the realm where your vision can either be nurtured or strangled.

So what are you waiting for? Isn't it time you took the leap? Jump now!